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Nissan joins panel at Techsauce Global Summit 2018 on preparing Thailand for Electric Vehicle adoption

BANGKOK – Executives from Nissan, BMW and industry bodies discussed how Thailand can prepare for, and accelerate, the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) at the Techsauce Global Summit 2018 in Bangkok.

The summit, held from June 22-23, is designed to help strengthen the region’s technology ecosystem while helping encourage Thailand to become one of ASEAN’s technological hubs.  

The panel discussion at the summit, one of the biggest of its kind in South East Asia, was called “Tipping Point for EV, what does it look like?” and included Peter Galli, Nissan Motor Thailand’s vice president of communications; Krisda Utamote, BMW Group’s director of corporate communications; Dr Yossapong Laoonual, president of the Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand; and Warit Taechajinda, manager of an electricity value chain project team at PTT.

“Earlier this year, Nissan asked Frost & Sullivan to conduct research on the future of electric vehicles in South East Asia,” Galli said.

“The detailed report for Thailand found that there is significant latent demand for EVs in the Kingdom, with 44% of respondents saying they would undoubtedly consider an EV when they make their next purchase decision.”

Answering a panel question on concerns about the price of electric vehicles, Galli noted that the research found that the primary adoption barriers for electric vehicles are not price. Safety, security and range anxiety are the main drawbacks for adoption of EVs, he said.

With more than 300,000 units of the Nissan LEAF sold, which means 57.6 million battery cells on the road, there have been no critical incidents with the batteries.

“The Nissan LEAF has been sold since 2010 in many countries with varying climates, so we have the experience, history and data to reassure people and help them better understand the benefits of EVs,” Galli said.

“Nissan is committed to transforming the way people drive and live, and we aim to build real confidence in electric vehicles.”

Nissan takes part in a panel discussion on how Thailand can prepare for, and accelerate, the adoption of electric vehicles. Peter Galli and Krisda Utamote

Dr Yossapong noted that charging infrastructure is a top concern for consumers considering buying an EV. Collaboration between government, policy makers and related stakeholders to accelerate infrastructure and the ecosystem necessary for electrification is essential for EV adoption in Thailand.

Nissan is bringing the new Nissan LEAF, the best-selling EV in the world, to Thailand, and is working closely with government and related stakeholders to pave the way for an electrification infrastructure and ecosystem, Galli said.

Nissan was committed to doing its part to help move people to a better world, he added.

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